Kosciuszko Museum in Solothurn

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Kosciuszko Museum in Solothurn
Gurzelngasse 12
Postfach 503
4502 Solothurn

Opening Hours

 Saturdays from 14.00 to 16.00
Entry beyond the opening hours by arrangement 

Entry with commentary

CHF 5.00

Contact Museum

+41 32 622 80 56
[email protected]

Contact Curator

+41 79 380 97 65

[email protected]

Become a member of the Kosciuszko Society

We cordially invite you to become a member of our society - by doing so you will contribute to the preservation of the museum. It keeps alive the memory of a freedom fighter who was not only a significant figure in Polish history, but also represented universal democratic values. The annual membership fee is CHF 20.

Kosciuszko-Gesellschaft, Solothurn
Konto-Nr. 30-38168-4

Bic / Swift :  RSOSCH22 

IBAN CH58 0878 5047 6402 8614 5